


If you have children in elementary school, you may be interested in a series of articles I’m writing on homeschooling, on my personal website, Mcgillespie.com.

The education of our boys (ages 9 and 5) has been unfolding wonderfully, so far. However, dark clouds are forming on the horizon, and it’s time to do a little reconnaissance on our options.

As other homeschooling parents have done for my wife and me, I hope others may benefit as we share our findings and experiences.

Intro to Part 1, “The Adventures of a Homeschooling Dad

“Though satisfied with our children’s private school, three factors are motivating my wife and me to start looking into homeschooling, again. The Christian school our boys attend is having financial problems, their high-school is aiming towards the new common core SATs for college admissions, and SB-277 will soon involve our non-vaccinated boys.

None of these factors affect us, right now, making it the perfect time to do some reconnaissance. Even if the financial problems get resolved, and we find a way around SB-277, the intrusion of common core into the high-school is enough motivation, by itself, to start vetting alternatives.”