


by Paul Tautges

People often ask me how biblical counseling differs from other approaches to soul care. Here’s a summary I’ve been teaching for almost two decades, which I hope will help you grow in understanding sanctification. This week, look up the Scriptures listed and meditate on God’s abundant provision through the Spirit and the Word. See how each piece fits together. This study will be a healthy meal for your soul.

Biblical counseling believes:

1. The Bible is the all-sufficient source of Truth.

  • Scripture is pure truth (Ps. 119:140, 160).
  • Scripture is sufficient to identify the deepest needs of our soul, and meet them (Ps. 19:7-11; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
  • Scripture is the instrumental means the Spirit uses to transform us from the inside out, even sanctifying our motivations (John 17:17; 2 Cor. 3:18; Heb. 4:12).
  • Scripture is the judge of all man-made philosophy and theory, as to whether or not it is accurate, corrupts the gospel, or diminishes Christ (1 Cor. 2:11-16; Col. 2:8-10; 2 Cor. 10-4-6).

2. Man is totally depraved, accountable to God, and responsible for his thoughts and actions.

  • Man’s heart is wicked and deceitful (Jer. 17:9).
  • Man’s heart is motivated by love for self, and is addicted to sin (Gen. 6:5; Rom. 6:13).
  • Man will give an account of himself to God (Rom. 14:12; 1 Pet. 4:4-5).
  • Man is responsible for his own temptation and sin (James 1:13-16).
  • But man can be rescued and redeemed by Jesus Christ—becoming a new creature in Him (2 Cor. 5:17).

3. God’s goal for every believer is to be like Jesus Christ.

  • The Christian life begins with regeneration, being born-again by the Spirit through the Word of truth, the gospel (John 3:1-8; 1 Pet. 1:3).
  • God has predestined believers to become conformed to the image of His Son, thus this is God’s goal (Rom. 8:29).
  • God is renewing the believer’s self into the image of Christ, as we put off the old and put on the new (Col. 3:9-10; Eph. 4:17-32).

4. The Holy Spirit is the agent of heart change, which produces change of behavior.

  • The Holy Spirit transforms us into the image of Jesus Christ as we behold Him in the Word (2 Cor. 3:18).
  • The Holy Spirit progressively trains us in godliness and develops new attitudes and lifestyle as we walk in the Word (Gal. 5:22-25).

Counseling One Another

5. Every Christian is fully equipped in Christ for godliness, but submission to God’s training is required.

  • God’s power is sufficient to live a life that is pleasing to Him, having already been accepted in Christ (2 Pet. 1:2-7; Eph. 1:6).
  • God will finish the sanctifying work which He began at conversion, but not without the personal discipline of the believer (Phil. 1:6; 2:12-13).
  • Suffering is one of the chief means the heavenly Father employs to train us in godliness and discipline (Heb. 12:4-11).

6. Sanctification is a process requiring ongoing repentance and personal discipline toward godliness.

  • Discipline the thoughts of the mind (Rom. 12:1-2).
  • Discipline the desires of the heart (James 4:1-3).
  • Discipline the habits of life (Eph. 4:22-32).

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Having spent the last decade in Asia, I have been up against more than just the normal conditions here as the Lord led me to partner with DivineCouncil.org. This post will briefly survey my last quarter or so. I am asking for prayers as it truly has been a grand struggle against some form of maleficence.

Still Haven’t Seen Mount Everest

I am not the typical tourist as I hardly do anything touristy. I haven’t even laid my eyes on Mt. Everest physically yet–only through photos!

I have read through some feedback on various websites warning travelers that Nepal is rough for anyone and long-term is exceptionally challenging. They were not kidding! As one can read below, life here is more than quite interesting. I have met my fair share of challenges lately. I have “joined” Nepal in that I’ve married a Nepalese citizen. Thus, I live like a native as much as one can with a very simple footprint and habits.

Does simple living mean a higher life?

One Nepalese villager told me a few years back, “Simple living means a higher life.” He was being sarcastic as he saw his future grim because of the lack of employment opportunities here and how he would support his family. He has since left the country for greener pastures sending funds home like most do because local conditions warrant it as almost a necessity.

In the past few months as the Lord began bringing me to DivineCouncil.org, I have had two accidents with my bicycle in the same week. One was where the road gave way as it was under construction. I was blessed with a sweet bicycle by a doctor who also does triathlons. Getting that bike was a huge blessing indeed! Having accidents is a new trend I wish to circumvent!

Another accident involved the terrible traffic conditions as I experience everything here. I was hit by a car and survived by doing some amazing acrobatics! God be the glory! Before this, I was hit by three children and a chicken! I have opted for my health and fewer costs, to use a bicycle instead of other forms of transport because when the conditions are adverse, I can easily carry my cycle or go off-road as needed. It provides me with the opportunity to exercise. Also, if I hit anything or anyone, I will cause a lot less damage to myself, the bicycle, or others. I travel through urban traffic as well as mountain trails as I traverse the valley here where most paths lead up or down depending. I don’t add to the pollution!

A Nation Overhauling Its Infrastructure

Recent winter rains have made it near impossible for me to trek amid a nation overhauling its infrastructure in light of the 2015 earthquakes. Various sponsoring entities pave roads only to have them dug up for sewers, water, or electric lines. Nepal remains in chaos for the most part. The roads are not very well done, and not long afterward potholes take over once more. The whole valley is being rebuilt with dust everywhere. The fog does not help one’s perspective either. At times, almost an eerie experience.

Digestive Issues

In the past few months, I have battled severe digestive issues. One round that lasted quite some time was due to an apparent food allergy to one of the spices used here. I’ve since learned to avoid it. Often when I eat outside of the home, I experience this problem as hygiene is not practiced very well here, so I try to eat in as much as possible. However, cultural norms require me to bend to their hospitality. Two other rounds could be associated with that.

On top of this, last weekend I was a speaker at a conference on Galatians along with another pastor from SC. The food was catered in. Everyone has been extremely sick from food poisoning wondering if the caterers did it intentionally targeting the churches as a form of persecution. I have had such issues before but never to this level. Many in the churches are still in recovery.

Malware in Every Device

Along with living in Nepal where everything is painstakingly challenging to manage and accomplish due to the cultural idea of procrastination galore, I have had some form of malware inflict every device I own. My one solace is often here that when everything outside prevents me from accomplishing anything, I can work from my PC and get things done. However, I have also, lost much time factory resetting all my devices numerous times including backing up to a cloud and thinking everything I own has been affected. The grounding is not proper here, and there’s a 200% chance if you plug anything in or Bluetooth or any type of connection, one will get some malware in the transaction. I try not to plug anything in I own to anything thing here. The internet is not very reliable nor is electricity.

In previous years, I have faced the winter weather and managed well. I also have “weathered” the inner storms of digestive issues and whatnot. I even have had PC woes that set me back for days. Never have I until this recent round have I had to do it all at once repeatedly. I have been set back for many weeks now. Also, I have learned that the bowels and the brain are closely related, and one affects the other. I have had to fight off depression because of the chemical imbalances related to my digestive woes.

My family here has never been this sick in such a short time. The winter here was more severe than usual.

Travel Restrictions Keep Family Separated

My family in the States also have issues. I made a recent trip and may have to make another one as both my parents’ health is degrading. My wife cannot get a visa to travel; thus they have yet to meet her or the grandchildren.

Pray for Resolve

I sincerely hope considering the above plus the recent report on persecution one can see the real struggle here to allow me to study and produce content and share it here as we never know what will happen next. Other countries may have similar issues. I only hope and pray our resolve can be further tempered for the times ahead. I will continue to stay the course and hope and pray for better days ahead to allow me to do what God desires. Thank you all for your prayers!