
People can sense Earth’s magnetic field, brain waves suggest

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By Maria Temming

A new analysis of people’s brain waves when surrounded by different magnetic fields suggests that people have a “sixth sense” for magnetism.

Birds, fish and some other creatures can sense Earth’s magnetic field and use it for navigation (SN: 6/14/14, p. 10). Scientists have long wondered whether humans, too, boast this kind of magnetoreception. Now, by exposing people to an Earth-strength magnetic field pointed in different directions in the lab, researchers from the United States and Japan have discovered distinct brain wave patterns that occur in response to rotating the field in a certain way.

These findings, reported in a study published online March 18 in eNeuro, offer evidence that people do subconsciously respond to Earth’s magnetic field — although it’s not yet clear exactly why or how our brains use this information.

“The first impression when I read the [study] was like, ‘Wow, I cannot believe it!’” says Can Xie, a biophysicist at Peking University in Beijing. Previous tests of human magnetoreception have yielded inconclusive results. This new evidence “is one step forward for the magnetoreception field and probably a big step for the human magnetic sense,” he says. “I do hope we can see replications and further investigations in the near future.”

During the experiment, 26 participants each sat with their eyes closed in a dark, quiet chamber lined with electrical coils. These coils manipulated the magnetic field inside the chamber such that it remained the same strength as Earth’s natural field but could be pointed in any direction. Participants wore an EEG cap that recorded the electrical activity of their brains while the surrounding magnetic field rotated in various directions.

This setup simulated the effect of someone turning in different directions in Earth’s natural, unchanging field without requiring a participant to actually move. (Complete stillness prevented motor-control thoughts from tainting brain waves due to the magnetic field.) The researchers compared these EEG readouts with those from control trials where the magnetic field inside the chamber didn’t move.

Joseph Kirschvink, a neurobiologist and geophysicist at Caltech, and colleagues studied alpha waves to determine whether the brain reacts to changes in magnetic field direction. Alpha waves generally dominate EEG readings while a person is sitting idle but fade when someone receives sensory input, like a sound or touch.

Sure enough, changes in the magnetic field triggered changes in people’s alpha waves. Specifically, when the magnetic field pointed toward the floor in front of a participant facing north — the direction that Earth’s magnetic field points in the Northern Hemisphere — swiveling the field counterclockwise from northeast to northwest triggered an average 25 percent dip in the amplitude of alpha waves. That change was about three times as strong as natural alpha wave fluctuations seen in control trials.

ROTATION REACTION When downward-pointing magnetic fields were rotated counterclockwise, from northeast to northwest, researchers saw a significant dip in participants’ alpha brain waves (left). Alpha waves are similarly dampened when someone receives sensory input like a sound or smell. This response was not seen when downward fields rotated clockwise (center) or were held steady (right).

Curiously, people’s brains showed no responses to a rotating magnetic field pointed toward the ceiling — the direction of Earth’s field in the Southern Hemisphere. Four participants were retested weeks or months later and showed the same responses.

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  1. If we all made use of this power between us all , Freely given in these waves, the ability to communicate even with out talking, if we wish, it would eliminate all the things man tries to do by Works. ( The cumbersome use of DIVERSE human language being the problem )

    So many huge pockets of worldly "wealth" are attempts to hoard God’s freely given gifts or grace.

  2. Thanks for your kind words, Terence.

    Unfortunately I just went too far. I am not allowed to answer your question…

    We serve a mighty Lord and God. Have a great day!

    Good restraint, Marten, I understand and it’s good to see.

  3. Thanks for these summaries, Marten. It feels like reading the executive summary of a complex scientific paper.

    While you’re on a role. . . how would you summarize the relationship between scalar waves and a magnetic field? They
    are in proximity to each other but distinct, correct?

    Thanks for your kind words, Terence.

    Unfortunately I just went too far. I am not allowed to answer your question…

    We serve a mighty Lord and God. Have a great day!

  4. Extolling’s to God inexhaustable in real time and percise wisdom !! The few of the Theological inputs to these caring posts that Marten always gives us are — Eccl. " Money is the answer to everything " ( IN THE STILL UNENLIGHTENED AND UNNREDEEMED WORLD that is talking about ) is the learned Theologian understanding.

    This Thematic of " Freely given things " is one that I have for a long time been fascinated by . It is the high , astonishing and wonderful Theology of given to us passionately by God . The infidel , pride decieved world is so Contra to this of course amd tries to run and hide , surpress, any light of FREE .

    And yet it is one of the Maine " Keys of knowledge " to use a term said by Jesus , so we can track with the Thematic that there Are, a number , of " Keys " of Knowledge.

    How wonderful that FREE , is is a main Theme , of God.

    Ok, so Tracking with that, it also brings light to the truth that all these things get to be understood, as we walk in that Free Spirit –{ "The Spirit makes known to us the things that ARE FREELY given to us by God" }

    My interest here is how this is surpressed by tbe " works" spirit, that is in the World. And why it is of primary and of all importance that we keep emphasizing the GRACE and FREELY given things of God ,

    If we all made use of this power between us all , Freely given in these waves, the ability to communicate even with out talking, if we wish, it would eliminate all the things man tries to do by Works. ( The cumbersome use of DIVERSE human language being the problem )

    Zephaniah says " Then I will return to the people ONE PURE LANGUAGE , that they may with ONE consent , call on the name of the LORD "

  5. Magnetic scalar waves are in a magnetic field. But magnetic fields lines are closed, so the field is not far away from a living being. For a human being a few meters maximum.

    Thanks for these summaries, Marten. It feels like reading the executive summary of a complex scientific paper.

    While you’re on a role. . . how would you summarize the relationship between scalar waves and a magnetic field? They
    are in proximity to each other but distinct, correct?

    But of course these experiments were hidden because of the big cancer industry. Too much money involved.

    Many diseases can be healed with magnetic scalar waves.

    To a $50 billion industry, cures that cost nothing are not received as good news.

    – The air around us is the source of an inexhaustible amount of energy. Made by our Lord and God.

    That’s why the Good guys eventually win!

    If you are able to develop a generator that uses only this free scalar field, then you have unlimited energy at your possession. Free and for whoever wants to use it.

    It is possible to make such a device yourself. But do not try to publicize it in a mainstream scientific journal/magazine. It will always be rejected. Do not try to start a business and sell your free energy motors. You will always run into problems, sooner or later. In any country.

    I read countless stories about these brave people. It is inevitable that you are forced to make a full stop. Do you not want to listen, than it costs you your life.

    To whom would free energy not be good news?

    That’s just a rhetorical question whose answer(s) reveal much about who we’re up against.

    Thanks for telling it straight, Marten.

  6. An addition to the above with a few benefits of scalar waves.

    – A lot of diseases are because of malfunctioning of the cells. Magnetic scalar waves have a tremendous effect upon cells in our body. They are able to repair a lot of damage in cells. That means that many dideases can be healed with magnetic scalar waves.

    Prof Meyl has a clever wife who uses magnetic scalar waves to heal people. She uses devices built by Prof. Meyl. People are placed in a magnetic scalar field, usually between a few devices. After some time the sick cells are internally repaired.

    Decades ago I remember tests with people with cancer. They were healed with these magnetic scalar waves. (Not by Mrs. Meyl.) If I remember well 10 out of 10 were completely healed after being exposed to magnetic scalar waves in a field. I think it was once a week and lasted one month.

    But of course these experiments were hidden because of the big cancer industry. Too much money involved.

    Many diseases can be healed with magnetic scalar waves.

    – The air around us is the source of an inexhaustible amount of energy. Made by our Lord and God.

    If you are able to develop a generator that uses only this free scalar field, then you have unlimited energy at your possession. Free and for whoever wants to use it.

    It is possible to make such a device yourself. But do not try to publicize it in a mainstream scientific journal/magazine. It will always be rejected. Do not try to start a business and sell your free energy motors. You will always run into problems, sooner or later. In any country.

    I read countless stories about these brave people. It is inevitable that you are forced to make a full stop. Do you not want to listen, than it costs you your life.

  7. One small addition to try to make it more clear.

    We are affected by magnetism, as the above study shows. But in reality it is because the experiments with magnetism induce magnetic scalar waves as a (to these ones carrying out the experiments and do not want to know) by-product.

    This by-product is what has been made a BIG Zero by Mr. Herz (from the herzian waves.) I mean in Maxwell’s equation. But in reality it exists. Tesla was the man from the electrical scalar waves, Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl, the man from the magnetic scalar waves.

    Tesla has been killed because of the implications of his discoveries (money of course – for instance really free energy for all of us – in the air around us). There have been two murder attempts on Dr. Meyl, but he miracously survived.

    Our DNA is used as antennas to produce magnetic scalar waves. But also big organs, like our heart. Cells inside us communicate by using magnetic scalar waves. Our brain produces magnetic scalar waves when thinking and even more when concetrating.

    Our brain and heart can transmit these scalar waves. They are transmitters but also receivers. We are very much influenced by magnetic scalar waves, as induced by "normal" magnetism or electromagnetic waves (the ones we know.)

    Magnetic scalar waves are in a magnetic field. But magnetic fields lines are closed, so the field is not far away from a living being. For a human being a few meters maximum.

    We also produce ourselves electrical scalar waves. These go very far away and can contain enormous amounts of information. I think this is being used when we pray to our Lord.

    Hope it helps a bit…

  8. because the research has been done a long time ago.

    I think the whole study of "Fields" is fascinating (hats off to Marten’s scalar waves). When I retire from being retired, maybe I will have time to pursue this and other fields of research.

    Right now my favorite "field of study" still is Bats, and their Sonar Locating Power. Yahweh is truly The Ingenious Mastermind of Creativity. All Praise to His Name.

  9. Strange that people do not know about the discoveries from others in the same field of expertise. Professor Dr. Konstantin Meyl did write a lot of books about this subject. Living human beings are very much influenced by magnetic fields around them. On the other hand with the magnetic field they produce, they impact everything around them, especially living beings close to them.

    The experiments mentioned above are a waste of costs, because the research has been done a long time ago.

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