One of the things I have seen among Christians who have been influenced by the Divine Council framework is the tendency to assume that every non-Christian religion springs fully formed from the minds of our Spiritual enemies. There is also an inclination to only glance at the surface of a particular mythology or religion, and as long as it contains enough of the tropes and motifs one expects, one doesn’t examine it any more deeply.
My goal in this article is to make people aware of some of the assumptions we can make when approaching other mythologies and religions.
So how does a deeper examination of mythology and religion help the Christian living today? I plan to use the very unique mythology of the ancient Norse to further explore this question and hopefully provide us window into the propaganda machine of the fallen Principalities and Powers.
Thor, Norse Mythology, and the Usual Suspects
Quite a lot of you have probably seen the new Thor movies by Marvel, and some of you may already know some of the basic story of Norse mythology. On the surface, it is a story with a lot of the familiar motifs. There is a single supreme god who, with his family, make up a council of gods.
Norse mythology has a classic demonic enemy. Their gods may not live at the top of a mountain, but they live at the top of the World Tree. It has a flood myth complete with evil giants. It even contains the classic Thunder-god, and his battle against the evil sea dragon of chaos. It seems like a straightforward story, not all that different from the mythologies we have seen before.
Why should anyone read any further? After all, we possess the Bible “the Myth that is true”, the story from which all the other myths originate. Well, if one does decide to take a closer look at the story, things start to get weird.
Death of the gods?
We find out that this is not the usual story of gods triumphing against all enemies but instead a tragedy in which all the gods die in a final battle against evil.
Unlike the triumphant stories we are used to reading, where the thunder-god defeats the dragon of chaos and brings new order, the thunder-god instead dies of his wounds almost immediately after slaying the dragon. We don’t get the traditional time-line of world creation, creation of humanity and then a flood. What one will observe instead is a combination of the flood and creation story, and the evil giants who are mostly wiped out by the flood. The surviving giants then become the demonic enemies of the gods long before humanity is created.
Troubling Questions
If this story was fabricated out of whole cloth by the Infernal Powers, then one is left with some troubling questions:
- Why would the Powers of darkness create a mythology where they themselves die at the end?
- Many of you are probably familiar with the Genesis 6 account, the Book of 1st Enoch, and the struggle against the Giant Nephilim clans throughout the Bible. If these are those same Giants, why would they write a story where their fictional representations are destroyed by the Giants?
- Why the odd combination of flood and creation myth?
What if we take a different approach?
Historical Human Figures as ‘gods’
What if one assumes that these gods are partially based off of historical human figures?
If Odin and the Aesir were an actual tribe of humans living in a post-flood world instead of gods, then the whole story almost tells itself. We see the Aesir tribe’s brief struggle with the neighboring Vanir tribe and their long conflict with a tribe of Giants. We see the chief and patriarch Odin adopt the orphaned child of one of the giants that he has just killed. Loki is raised as Odin’s son, and he returns the favor by murdering his adoptive brother, Baldur, for his own twisted amusement. Loki then returns to his giant kin and leads them to exterminate the Aesir in a final battle nearly wiping out the Aesir leaving only enough survivors to pass the story down to their children.
History becomes Legend, then Myth
The ancient dead heroes are honored by their descendants, and as oral history is passed down through the generations, all the older pre-flood myths are blended into the story. To quote the Lord of the Rings movie, “History became legend. Legend became myth. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.” …as the corrupt gods whisper and guide from the shadows.
The tragic struggle of the Aesir against overwhelming evil that captures our imaginations to this very day is partially obscured under the false mantle of godhood. Their nobility and humanity are perverted as men are strangled and hung from yew trees as sacrifices to the Hanged god. This is one possible explanation for this particular story that better explains the oddities present in its narrative.
So how would a closer examination of non-Christian religion and mythology aid the believer living today?
A Culture Starving for Supernatural Content
One can use what one learns about how our enemies have influenced the cultures of the distant past to see how they might be manipulating our modern culture through Hollywood, literature, and religion. And such an examination can also provide one with powerful apologetics and polemics against the examined religions, still here, or those resurfacing in a modern culture starved of supernatural content.
Demonic Subversion of the Truth
For example, one walks up to a modern neo-pagan, who worships the Norse pantheon, and if all one tells him is that the story and people he has based his faith on are only a demonic parody of the true faith, how will he respond?
Or instead, one could show him how his religion ties into the Christian narrative, and how the story and heroes of his people have been subverted and used as a mask by the fallen Powers of the Bible …
Assumptions only take us so far. When we actually start to think and examine more deeply, we are able to move forward.
Something I remembered from years gone by. I think relates well to this.
There is truth in everything. Finding it. That is the hard part or fun part. Depends on your outlook.
I was told this twice from two different old men. One Rabbi, one Greek Priest.
So true, plus we already have a shared cultural context with founders of that religion
Like Mormons and how they misread "have I not already told you? You are gods!" Passage (thankfully we have a pretty good resource on that one 🙂 )
And culture and language experts for other historical contexts as well, it probably wouldn't hurt for someone to check out free scholarly articles about your "target" religion to supplement their UR knowledge.
Figuring that out might take an ANE language expert and an expert in the myth's original language to see if any links and lineage can be determined…
Otherwise your own good sense in relating it to the UR we understand may be enough for your "target" (for lack of a better word) to make the connections
Also anyone who liked this article or felt it was informative feel free to vote in the poll on what article I write next
I believe so as well, and I am by no means arguing that all mythology is based on humans, just that some might be. Some might be corruptions of earlier stories based on real divine beings. For example the Apkallu and the Titans being corruptions of stories about the Watchers. Your quote about mixing truth with lies is very apt, I think quite a bit of mythology is a corruption of a true story.My question is what is the original story that has been corrupted, Was it originally a story about divine beings? Was it a story about humans? Was it a mix of the two? Or was it originally something else entirely? If I am going to be witnessing to someone who holds these beliefs I want to be asking myself some of these questions. And I think the answer may well be different for different mythologies.
Most interesting!
I was unfamiliar with the Norse mythology, but have read The Parthenon Code (I think recommended by Dr. Heiser long ago in a blog post…?). It makes a very good case for the Greek mythology being a corruption of the Bible history from creation through Noah.
In a way I think I've always leaned to it being part of those gods, the 70, misleading their assigned nations. Mix the truth with lies, and your quote from Tolkien becomes a much easier objective to reach.
Ya, the way I worded that I see now how it could interpreted that Mike's material was leading to it. Thank you for making explicit what I was inferring. 100% agree brother.
I noticed something was pleasing and comforting as I browsed the site.
It isn't so much that Mike's teaching could lead to it I fear.
It is the enemy within.
That will lead to it.
That line kind of sends chills. 🙂
Is there an echo in here?
That is why the general forum has 3 sections: Reversing Curse of Death from Sin at the Fall, Reversing Hermon, Reversing Babel. Those are Jesus' 3 missions. We think it's vitally important to keep in mind the sinfulness and idolatrous nature of mankind and the need for a savior. This forum will aim to keep equal importance on all 3 rather than putting our blinders up 2 of the 3 as we focus on our favorite one of the 3. I think that's the temptation of Mike's material, to blame the serpent.
All 3 are happening simultaneously. Repentance and acknowledging the need for an atoning sacrifice of the spotless Lamb is vital.
Exactly Steve, it is to easy to blame everything on the fallen ones whether it is pagan religions or everyday sins. People forget that humans can be quite inventive and nasty enough on their own
It is ironic, isn't it? . . .that even these wonderful re-discovered insights will lead
To better informed sinners.
Enjoyed this read greatly.
Hadn't really thought of this as a problem. Guess because I think of all of them as myth or remapping of the real.
One thing that did come to mind, a problem I face often, is people (and this can include christians) do not see the evil of mankind, mostly in themselves, family or friends.
We're great story tellers and what's a little twick here and there threw the ages. Your paper I think shows that well.
The one thing I pray over because I fear it could be a problem. All this new knowledge from unseen realm and mt. Hermon causing to many to blame all on the fallen ones. Forgetting Humankind is still responsible for their own wickedness.
I believe this thinking is in some myths already. Good read.
Ok .. had to stop reading … My LORD I tell you . .. my heart just skipper dee dodded Like … I know that GOD i s s o so GOOD .. Man ,.. I always have such trouble typing when I first sense the LOVER of my soul . But … am I REALLY going to be able to be the ME tht GOD made me to be ? See . this is how I see things .. well . .IDK .let me finsih reading this first .
I love this … I do I do I do 😉
I liked Guardians of the Galaxy, it was a rare and awesome example of the temptation by a lesser g, and exposing it for the evil it was.
Haha let me get a couple books published first
Great stories, Robert. I think they deserve to be on the Intro thread where people are more apt to find them.
I agree, in general, with being detached from "Hollywood". It's much easier when you replace it with alternatives.
For example, there's a free trial, this month, for Logos Now users of FaithLifeTV. Last night, I watched Mike's Angels and Demons
Interviews and they were terrific! They've got a lot of stuff for all ages, as well, so we may consider the $5 per month.
Also, we can't be completely detached from a culture that those we wish to speak with are immersed. What's the saying, "interested, but detached"?
Something like that. My family made a rare trip to the movies, this weekend, to see "Guardians of the Universe". My goodness, the
Lower-g's were all over the freaking place in that movie.
I smiled thinking that we've got to get a screenplay out of Zechariah to pitch Mel Gibson. Maybe he'll even let
Me write some of the dialogue as I'm a dialogue junkie.
I think God approaches each of us in a unique way, for example I didn't have television, Movies, or videogames in my life till my teens. So I was forced to read for entertainment, and define myself by what I read since I didn't have a lot of interaction with children my own age. There have been both blessings and struggles due to the way I was raised, but the man I am today is a result of all of that, and I thank God that he led me along the path he did. God may call some to separate themselves from evil, and call others to confront it. I hope to use my knowledge of Hollywood, fiction, and mythology that I have been given to step onto the battleground and reclaim it from my Father's enemies. When we write a story or make a movie we are utilizing the ability to create and imagine that have been bestowed on us by God. We are mimicking the actions of our Father who created the world and everything in it, when we create new worlds on paper or on a screen.
God infinite, use what we say here, by your love —– Ok, I am going to jump in here and start talking about those doors that Terrence mentions , and discuss experiences with what Zechariah is talking about here.
First of all, I want to vanquish the idle demon image , and relate how I have been Up this morning, split the two cords of wood for the Care and Share organization that I have been doing some work for, in which I receive pay for , because I made a deal with Carl, who oversees it , but it is generally a program that sells Firewood at a lower price, or for free as needed, to people whom we care for. Then will be going out later into the forest to log appropriate trees for the Firewood business I run. I am a commercial Firewood salesman, in this business for 17 years now, after being a career missionary. Besides watching out for my elder mother who came to life , transferred out of the Kingdom of darkness , into the Kingdom of light, when she was just a little girl .
So that is one ancient demon vanquished, the demon who images a being that doesn't do any useful work, but just likes to talk in discussion groups.
But man guys, the revealations are coming in now, and I am thinking about All the demons that were actually and practically, vanquished from my sphere , Just by shutting off Hollywood at 13 . ( Hey, there is a demon right there, this idea that "13" is an un- lucky number or something. ) Just a number.
But ya, Some of the demons that were vanquished ( quite easily , actually) from back when I was 13 and Led Zepplin was in vogue, ( of whom I have heard is a group that is Full of demons, don't know really, Never paid attention to them)
You see guys, I had the grace to completely enjoy their music , but also had the wisdom from God, even at that age, to pay Zero attention , to their words or spirits.
So it goes for Anything , that came from the world system. But you know, .God is an " hard master" , if you know the parable , reaping where he did not sow , and I , not only , paid zero attention their words, but made up words that God gave me, Beautiful, life giving words , to replace their words , and sang them joyfully.
Some of the other demons, I already mentioned in another post. About a philosophy, I had already started to acquire, right before I got saved as a young man of " get the other guy first, before he gets you" we're also, quite easily vanquished . By just taking , the Spirit which I first received, and realizing that –To hurt my brother, was to hurt myself , and therefore , God, since we all , and He , is a unit.
Now , I am not Quite sure, if these are the kind ideas you are aiming at in this article Zechariah, but it Seems they are. Whatever, I descern what I related is on target.
Now I cut it short here, I could go on and on here about the demons I have easily stayed clear from, by not partaking of Hollywood , but I wanted to give anyone an opportunity to respond. ( and let me say right here, I AM NOT , talking about reframing from Hollywood in any legalistic way , and you mention at times in your posts Zechariah, of productions you are watching ) GRACE GRACE