by Dr. Michael Heiser
I get a lot of email about my views on Yahweh and divine plurality. You’d think people would find my material via Google or my divine council website, but I guess not. I’m making this page for you all, of course, but also to provide myself a convenient one-stop link to send people.
Mike’s “lay level” work on the divine council and the nature of Israelite monotheism (the basic essays)
- These live on my divine council site; the items selected here can also be found in the Faithlife Study Bible (FSB), the Lexham Bible Dictionary (LBD) and a volume of the InterVarsity Press OT Reference series (IVP). They are short distillations of the topics:
- The Divine Council (LBD)
- Elohim as “Gods” in the Old Testament (FSB)
- Deuteronomy 32:8–9 and the Old Testament Worldview (FSB)
- Old Testament Godhead Language (FSB)
- Understanding Israelite Monotheism (FSB)
- I should also mention that these issues feature prominently (among many other points of biblical theology) in my best-selling book, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible (Lexham Press, 2015), and its “person-in-the-pew” distillation, Supernatural: What the Bible Says About the Unseen World and Why It Matters (Lexham Press, 2015).
Mike’s relevant scholarly publications
- Some of these live on my divine council site as well. Others cannot be posted here due to the wishes of the academic journal that published the content (if you subscribe to my newsletter you can access articles not linked here via a protected folder). These articles tend to be technical, save for the one critiquing Mormonism’s use of Psalm 82.
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