
Divine Council: Peer-reviewed Scholarly Insights Into the Biblical Text; Not “New Age” Spirituality; Not Gnosticism, Not Chit-Chatting with Angels

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It’s come to my attention that a few threads on our forum have led some to believe this website may endorse “New Age” spirituality or Gnosticism or shooting the breeze with Angels.

No, we don’t.

No, I don’t.

As the site owner, I can tell you that does not endorse these things. They’re not only antithetical to the peer-reviewed Biblical insights we’re all trying to understand better but could easily lead the merely curious away from Christ and God’s plan for his creation.

Also, while we’re on the subject, I’m quite sure Dr. Heiser would not want his work associated with this nonsense, either. If you should insist on making such claims, please refrain from citing as your excuse for doing so.

I take responsibility for these conclusions having been drawn and will be posting “Rules of the House” in the next post. They will also be on the “About” page and posted in the forum as guidelines.

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