
An excerpt from the article The Elohim: What (or Who) Are They? by Michael S. Heiser. The biblical use of elohim is not hard to understand once we know that it isn’t about attributes. What all the figures on the list have in common is that they are inhabitants of the spiritual world.…

Social Media Battles

By Mark Ward, originally published under the title, “What Would the Author of ‘Amazing Grace’ Say about Social Media?” John Newton wrote a beautiful letter to a friend which is called in _his collected works, “On Controversy”—because that friend was about to engage in public controversy over Christian doctrine; Newton wanted…


In a fascinating 1942 essay, C.S. Lewis offered a “universal law” of human experience: Every preference of a small good to a great, or partial good to a total good, involves the loss of the small or partial good for which the sacrifice is made. . . . You can’t…