
Adam Ford, the man behind The Babylon Bee, has started a Christian “Drudge Report” called the “Christian Daily Reporter.” If you enjoy Adam’s comics and humor on “The Bee,” you might be interested in the daily news articles Adam finds important enough to share with other believers. At the bottom…

Alone - A Clear Lens

Apologetics gives artists confidence to speak into the darkness. Article by Alex Aili for “A Clear Lens”. During the first class of the morning at the small Christian college, our professor stopped the lecture and used his walking stick, curiously similar to a wizard’s staff, to step from behind the podium…

Transformation by Angel McCann

© Angel Isaiah McCann Art Artist’s Description Some symbolic meaning in this: She has butterflies around her eyes, butterflies represent resurrection. There are four, which represents creation, the fourth day when God created luminaries, light, to separate the day from night. She has one eye that is filled with light…

Complete Book of Magic Science

In a recent article, Arjun Walia documents how modern and historical “elites” use black magic rituals to conjure up entities for more power. Good Research, ‘Secret’ Conclusions Walia states the problem well. Looking into various subjects, from MK ultra and other forms of mind control, to the information coming from…

Blessed Cover

I’ve been mesmerized and confused by “prosperity gospel” (PG) sermons for decades. Twenty years before the phrase came into use to describe them, I wondered about the supposedly direct relationship between the Gospel and prosperity so boldly proclaimed by PG preachers. Though most of PG’s heyday, I had not yet…