Ronnie Floyd

by Ronnie Floyd Dear Friends in Christ Who Will Pray for America, Now is the time to pray for America. The year of 2019 before us yearns for God’s people from all over the world to pray for America. We are living in serious and critical times. Call upon your…

The Prophets

A transcript of “How te Read the Prophets” by The Bible Project. Ezekiel, Obadiah, Habakkuk What do these names have in common? Well, they are three of the 15 prophets that have their own books in the Bible. And if you have tried to read these books, odds are you got…

He Knew, Vatican Too

Taylor Marshall’s explanation of the Catholic Crisis is so accessible and succinct I thought a transcription of it would be the perfect way to bring non-Catholics up to speed on just what in the world is going on. Below, see Taylor’s video and, below that, a full transcription of it…

DC Blog Art Dark

A friend and I were privately discussing the challenges of searching scanned paper books by the Greek and Hebrew words they contain. What follows is one of my replies, with personal references deleted, that may apply to other DC readers. “Yep, I know just the garbled mess you’re talking about.…