The Mission

by Jesse Carey “Christian” movies don’t exactly have the greatest reputation among film watchers. Christian cinema’s apocalyptic thrillers, morally concerned family films and social-issue stumping dramas have often been criticized for being a little too preachy for non-church goers, lacking the subtlety of their Hollywood counterparts. Of course, there’s nothing…

Virus is altruistic

By Viviane Callier Researchers are beginning to understand the ways in which viruses strategically manipulate and cooperate with one another. Social organisms come in all shapes and sizes, from the obviously gregarious ones like mammals and birds down to the more cryptic socializers like bacteria. Evolutionary biologists often puzzle over…

Alan Watts Cosmos

by Alan Watts At the very roots of Chinese thinking and feeling there lies the principle of polarity, which is not to be confused with the ideas of opposition or conflict. In the metaphors of other cultures, light is at war with darkness, life with death, good with evil, and…

DC Blog Art Dark

“Art of Salvation” is the Art section of’s new online store! Believing Artists celebrate the wonder of salvation in art. By their gifts — through the eyes of the Spirit — God is glorified. And with the work their hands find to do, another view of the Art of…

simon english trekking in Nepal Mountains

Photo by Simon English on Unsplash Most of you who are familiar with my previous updates may be aware of the situations I face as I serve in Asia as a missionary scholar. On top of all I have shared I have those at home whom I cannot be with as I am overseas…