evangelical gnosticism

by Abigail Rine Favale I teach in a great books program at an Evangelical university. Almost all students in the program are born-and-bred Christians of the nondenominational variety. A number of them have been both thoroughly churched and educated through Christian schools or homeschooling curricula. Yet an overwhelming majority of these…

New Believers in Nepal

Those arrested recently in Western Nepal have finally been released by the authorities. Earlier it was reported that the US woman was deported and had pledged to return. I’m not sure if she’d be allowed. As I mentioned earlier the attacks of Sri Lanka (a new article with more understanding) and how it has affected…

biblical counseling banner

by Paul Tautges People often ask me how biblical counseling differs from other approaches to soul care. Here’s a summary I’ve been teaching for almost two decades, which I hope will help you grow in understanding sanctification. This week, look up the Scriptures listed and meditate on God’s abundant provision…

Deep State

by Matthew Ehret “Two systems are before the world; the one looks to increasing the proportion of persons and of capital engaged in trade and transportation, and therefore to diminishing the proportion engaged in producing commodities with which to trade, with necessarily diminished return to the labor of all; while…


Along with my regular blog here at seanmcdowell.org, I am now featuring occasional guest posts from some students in the Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics that I personally had the privilege of teaching. This post is from my friend Tim Stratton, who has an excellent and growing ministry of his…

Easter in Nepal

Jai Mashi from Nepal! Holy Week or Weak? Here is a brief update of my previous week. This is round #2 compared to what we experienced early in 2019. God is in control. I am here to help the locals to encourage them. We sure appreciate all your prayers. On Good Friday, I…

Is Secular Humanism a Religion?

by John Staddon It is now a rather old story: secular humanism is a religion. A court case in 1995 examined the issue and concluded, rightly, that science, in the form of the theory of evolution, is not a religion. In 2006, the BBC aired a program called The Trouble with Atheism which…

soviet anti religious propaganda posters

By Alfred Kentigern Siewers Two weeks ago, an elderly abbot of a Russian Orthodox Monastery in the U.S. Pacific Northwest was punched in the head while pumping gas. The assailant, unknown to him, reportedly zeroed in on the cross he was wearing and then said, “How’s Trump?” “I don’t know,”…