Adam Ford, the man behind The Babylon Bee, has started a Christian “Drudge Report” called the “Christian Daily Reporter.” If you enjoy Adam’s comics and humor on “The Bee,” you might be interested in the daily news articles Adam finds important enough to share with other believers.
At the bottom of the Christian Daily Reporter page, Adam links to a manifesto where he explains the motivation and purpose of his new website. His two headers say it all:
Stop letting Facebook and Google dictate which news and opinions you are allowed to see.
The Christian Daily Reporter is a source for the most important news and content from a Christian perspective — and it lives outside the tech-giant information choke hold.
Terence said
Good to know. I will add it to my news sources. Thanks Mr. T.
that it’s a wonderful source for the news that believers care most about, that which
Truly matters.
It is, indeed, a Christian "Drudge Report". Adam Ford’s choices and headlines
Are excellent. I check the site everyday during "article reading" time.
Thank you, Mr. Ford!
I bookmarked it, as well.
Feel welcome, Jo Anne, on this forum. If you like you can tell us a little about yourself. There is a special place under the header Welcome! called 'Introductions.'
Bookmarked The Christian Daily Reporter. Liked what I saw.