
The Adventures of a Homeschooling Dad — Series

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If you have children in elementary school, you may be interested in a series of articles I’m writing on homeschooling, on my personal website,

The education of our boys (ages 9 and 5) has been unfolding wonderfully, so far. However, dark clouds are forming on the horizon, and it’s time to do a little reconnaissance on our options.

As other homeschooling parents have done for my wife and me, I hope others may benefit as we share our findings and experiences.

Intro to Part 1, “The Adventures of a Homeschooling Dad

“Though satisfied with our children’s private school, three factors are motivating my wife and me to start looking into homeschooling, again. The Christian school our boys attend is having financial problems, their high-school is aiming towards the new common core SATs for college admissions, and SB-277 will soon involve our non-vaccinated boys.

None of these factors affect us, right now, making it the perfect time to do some reconnaissance. Even if the financial problems get resolved, and we find a way around SB-277, the intrusion of common core into the high-school is enough motivation, by itself, to start vetting alternatives.”


  1. And I say this because I want to turn what seems like could be a great burden maybe , into something Simple as that. Christ said " MY yoke is easy , and my burden light " .

    If ever a testimony of yours has not fallen on deaf ears, Robert, please remember that this one hasn’t.

    Yours, Angels, and others like it spontaneously offered from our church, have made all the difference.

    The "persecuted" case is closed and the greater gift is being received. Thanks be to God for blessing
    us by leading us in paths of righteousness.

  2. Desire to give as much encouragement as I can for you in this Terence. A couple of more testimonies.

    First of all, I want to say agian that, I truly was almost " stunned " in meeting home- schooled Children. It was truly like seeing lights in darkness.

    Another testimony is something from my own experience. I had a teacher in my first year of High School who, standing out from the others, being obviously a man from Christ , loved me and asked me if I wanted to write for the school newspaper , etc.

    Followed through with me , too, and called me after I had graduated and was in Mission Training School.

    And , another thing I can tell of , is from that Mission Training School itself. Many of the young adults there were raised home- schooled on the mission fields . They seemed smarter, etc. The Maturity level was very noticeable .

    My sister did it with a good program like it sounds you are using . Personally I think it can be as simple as NOT GETTING THE PEER PRESSURE that one would get in a public school. I mean, when I think about it . THAT , was all there really was that hindered my developement.

    And I say this because I want to turn what seems like could be a great burden maybe , into something Simple as that. Christ said " MY yoke is easy , and my burden light " .

    Again , when we really think about it. Simply PEER PRESSURE and PRESENCE of the rebels , that any one would get in public schools, for any of us , was the scew tossed into it all .

    I guess what I am trying to say here , is that if there is A KEY that could make a the difference for you like , you know, God actually giving simply One Key, that is the wisdom that makes this such the right thing to do. Keeping from un- holy peer pressure, is that KEY.

  3. We started homeschooling "full-time" a few weeks ago.

    ( see…ooling-for-our-boys-started-3-weeks-ago.1537/ )

    Yesterday was the end of a 3-day intensive training for parents called "Practicum" for
    Classical Conversations. Most impressive was talking with five kids who made it all the way
    through high-school on this method of homeschooling. They truly know more than most adults
    ever learn about their faith and all the other subjects we expect young adults to know before they leave the nest.

  4. Welcome to the journey! So very happy you have decided to homeschool – it might not be easy but it is so very worth it! Praying for you and your family -God bless!

  5. Terence

    Is that because the government makes it legally almost impossible?

    Yes, Terence, you are right, that is the reason…

  6. Robert Combis

    I am a Big fan of homeschooling . My sister in San Jose homeschooled my nieces and they turned out wise, beautifully mannered, graceful, loving . And I will add , Very smart ( and isn’t that one , kind of the goal , of school ? )
    They did an outside sport ( which I think is very important) and the one went all the way to the Olympics on the USA synchronized Swim Team. She became a teacher. The other one became an RN , and Both are raising beautiful families now. Their brother is being a faithful man of God.
    Terence. I am Praying for you and yours , that this be the most happiest , Godblessed decision for you that it can be , and that it will just go as smooth as possible and that the fruit of it gives wonderful glory and praise to God !

    Thank you for that perfect prayer, Robert. That's just what we'll need to be as blessed
    as your sister's family.

  7. I am a Big fan of homeschooling . My sister in San Jose homeschooled my nieces and they turned out wise, beautifully mannered, graceful, loving . And I will add , Very smart ( and isn’t that one , kind of the goal , of school ? )
    They did an outside sport ( which I think is very important) and the one went all the way to the Olympics on the USA synchronized Swim Team. She became a teacher. The other one became an RN , and Both are raising beautiful families now. Their brother is being a faithful man of God.
    Terence. I am Praying for you and yours , that this be the most happiest , Godblessed decision for you that it can be , and that it will just go as smooth as possible and that the fruit of it gives wonderful glory and praise to God !

  8. Marten

    In my country it is almost impossible.

    Is that because the government makes it legally almost impossible?

    Un-fun fact: anti-homeschooling laws are the only laws from the 3rd Reich that were unrepealed after WWII.

  9. This is great info. It takes hard work to homeschool your children. Not easy at all. In my country it is almost impossible.

    Are reading everything with much pleasure…

    May the Lord help you and your wife with this important work!

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